
Remember when?

Oil for Remembrance


How many times have you been in the middle of something or walked into a different room and forgot what you were doing?  How about struggling to remember the name of the person you just met? Having difficulty with your memory can be very frustrating. Since essential oils (aromatherapy) are best used when inhaled, they get right to the memory center of your brain and help your brain function better. Here is a great article that explains what happens when we inhale essential oils.

Essential oils are a big part of my daily life.  I use them for just about everything: Cleaning my home, respiratory conditions, skin care, physical issues and emotional issues.  Since I usually select oils based on what is happening on any given day, I often forget their long term effects, which is one of the best parts about using essential oils.

Rosemary essential oil is one that I use quite frequently. As most of you know, I’m back in school and spend most of my spare time studying and memorizing new information.  Rosemary is excellent for memory, for retaining new information and remembering things from long ago. The more you use it, the better your memory becomes.

The name “Rosemary”is derived from the Latin ros marinus, meaning “rose of the sea.” It got that name since it can grow in conditions that are dry and often requires just the moisture that is carried by the breeze by the sea.

Some common uses of rosemary are:

  • Loss of memory
  • Learning difficulties
  • Fatigue
  • Sluggishness
  • Indecision
  • Boosting Confidence
  • Flea/Tick repellent

These are just a few uses of Rosemary essential oil, but perhaps some of her best work is done on the spiritual realm. Many of us go through our days not feeding and nurturing our spiritual hunger. Rosemary will help us remember what is truly valuable and important to us. It helps us create and maintain healthy boundaries with other people so we do not get caught up in their drama and bring it on ourselves. It protects us from negativity so we can remain in a positive and loving frame of mind – even in the midst of chaos.  Her powerful yet sweet nature helps us in times of great sorrow. When a loved one dies, we often worry that we will “forget” the magic they brought to our life.  In ancient times, it was customary to place sprigs of rosemary near the tomb of the diseased. It was a symbol of loyalty and remembrance.

You can use a drop or two of pure, medicinal grade, Rosemary essential oil each day.  You can put it on your temples, center of the forehead, solar plexus or lower stomach. My favorite place is on the top of my head – you’ll need a mirror or friend to help with that.

In Ayurveda, we know Rosemary essential oil can reduce Kapha & Vata, but its warming qualities can increase Pitta. It is a nerve tonic, anti-depressant and a diaphoretic.

One of my recent uses of Rosemary is part of my flea/tick prevention for my dogs. I use a few drops of the Hi-Camphor variety (and a few other oils) on the cloth collar of my dogs and it works very well.

When using Rosemary essential oil as part of my spiritual practice, I use the verbenone variety and love putting a few drops on the top of my head. This particular variety has such a lovely scent, I often wear it as a perfume.

A blessing or affirmation I use when I apply this oil is:

“May I remember what is most important in my life. May my mind be clear as a lake, reflecting the face of the Divine. May my relationship with Spirit be strong.”*

You can see that Rosemary is a powerhouse essential oil to use every day. So as we go into the Memorial Day weekend, reach for your bottle of Rosemary essential oil and remember all the wonderful people and things that have blessed your life.


Rosemary Cineole: A lovely foundational Rosemary. She smells delicious and is wonderful at improving memory and mental clarity

Rosemary Hi Camphor: a bit more “bright” in scent and is lovely for headaches/migraines.

Rosemary verbenone: my favorite variety.  It is an amazing scent that I often wear as a perfume – it’s that lovely! She is the variety you want when addressing deeper and more spiritual issues.

Get your own bottle of medicinal grade Rosemary now.


*taken from “Aromatherapy Anointing Oils: Spiritual Blessings, Ceremonies & Affirmations,” by Joni Keim Loughran and Ruah Bull

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