
Trust yourself – healing comes from within

I have been lucky enough to say I’ve not been to the doctor for any illness in over 20 years.  I’ve not been on any prescription drugs in over 25 years.  And to most people’s amazement, neither me nor any of my animals have taken anti-biotics in over 25 years.  Yet we are living a healthy, happy life. How?  Read on…

We all know our health care system is in a bit of a wreck. We all have varying opinions on how to “fix” this mess.  One thing for sure, we all need to be more personally responsible for our own health and not rely on the “broken” heathcare system to care about us especially when it is trying to heal itself.

How many times have you heard someone say, “I don’t know, I just do what my doctor tells me” or “I don’t feel well, so I’m going to run to the doctor and find out what I should do” or one of my favorites “They did all the tests and still don’t know what’s wrong with me but I’ve got some pills that I keep taking.” Yet another common one, “I’ve been on several rounds of anti-biotics and I don’t feel any better.” (We wouldn’t consume meat that has been given anti-biotics yet we have no issue taking dose after dose.)

We find ourselves at a cross-roads saying “There has got to be a better way!”

These words are all to common in our society and we are sicker than ever.  What if I told you that you could have a personal doctor that would listen to your every word, react with providing you with safe, highly effective, natural, non-addicting options and make it a top priority to get you feeling like a million bucks.  Wouldn’t you sign up for that?  Well, that personal doctor is you.  Yes, YOU.

Many of us spend our lives looking outside of ourselves for answers.  Answers to questions about all kinds of things.  Who should I marry, should I have kids, should I take that job, what is wrong with me…  All the while, the answers are inside of us – answers to our every question, specifically “Why don’t I feel well? What could be the matter?  What will make me feel better?”

So quiet your mind and take charge of your health.  Do the things you know would make you feel better and help heal your body.  Only YOU know you the best.  Only YOU know what would work for you. Only YOU can make decisions about your health.  So ask yourself the hard questions and really listen to the answers you receive.  You will not lead yourself astray. Stop looking to others and take responsibility for your own health.  No one can heal you but YOU!

Personally, I find that healing essential oils that were formulated from ancient scriptures (like the Bible and Egyptian texts) lead the way in my healing and in healing my family of humans and animals. Here are a few ways that these amazing substances can improve your health.

JuvaFlex oil blend can be used for liver issues.  Liver damage from taking prescription drugs or any other liver related issue.  It also helps dispel anger as the emotion of anger is “stored” in our liver.

Cistus (or Rose of Sharon) can stop hemorrhaging.

Lemon can increase your memory by 28% upon inhalation.

Juniper, grapefruit and lemon essential oils will help reduce sagging skin.

Lavender essential oil will help reducing scaring and helps reduce anxiety.

Highest anti-cancer essential oil  – Frankincense.  Has amazing effects at prevention and treatment of all types of cancer including breast cancer.

Spiknard essential oil is “chosen” by autistic children. Why?  It attracts heavy metals in the body which is thought of as the cause of autism.

Thieves essential oil blend is a very powerful “anti-biotic” substitute. It reacts quicker in the body and the side effects include improving your immune system, purifying the air by ridding it of harmful bacteria, and uplifting your mood and memory since it includes Lemon essential oil.

There are so many beautiful things about medicinal essential oils but one of my favorites is side effects are always positive ones!  We have gotten so desensitized about the long warning labels on prescription drugs that we just shrug off the “possibility of death by taking this medication” that we forget the reason we started taking the drug in the first place is to prevent dying yet, you may die from just taking the pill.  I’ll take my chances elsewhere, thank you.

So take responsibility for your health and make it your priority to learn about what will make you feel better and live a long, healthy life. You will be amazed at how just taking this step will empower you to take charge of your life in every way.

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